Serving the Lord by serving others is one of the most fulfilling things we can do as followers of Jesus. God expects us to be His hands and feet. The opportunities to serve in the body of Christ are numerous and it takes us all to fulfill them. On Sunday, March 16, immediately following worship service we will host a FOO Ministry Fair to explore and sign up to serve in various ministries. Please pray through the list below to help discover where God is calling you to serve. And if you have a ministry idea, be sure to share it with our leadership team at the FOO Ministry Fair.
Adult Discipleship Team: Interested in leading or hosting a small group to grow your faith and the faith of other believers? This may be the spot for you!
Buildings & Grounds Team: Do you enjoy yard work – or at least know how to cut grass? Or do minor building repairs and maintenance? If so, we need you to help maintain the grounds and buildings at FOO.
Children’s Ministry Team: Baby snuggles, toddler cuddles, big kid fun and the opportunity to lay the faith foundation for our children await members of this team.
Communications Team: Write and create communications such as website content, newsletter announcements, slide designs, etc. and help develop strategies to “get the word out” on FOO.
Fellowship Team: Do you have the gift of hospitality and/or organization? The Fellowship Team may be the place for you. From serving coffee and refreshments on Sunday mornings to assisting with our annual Fall Festival and other fellowship events, this is your opportunity to help build community amongst everyone at FOO and our surrounding area. We also need volunteers in this area to help coordinate the MealTrain for FOO members experiencing significant illness or bereavement.
Mission Team: Help plan, support and possibly go on various mission projects near and far.
Pastoral Care Team: Assist with caring for our members by visiting those who are sick or shut-in to assess and help meet their needs. We also need volunteers in this area to help coordinate the MealTrain for FOO members experiencing significant illness or bereavement.
Prayer Team: Are you a prayer warrior? Or would you like to be? Join in praying for the needs of our church, members and community each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m.
Safety Team: This team works to ensure the safety of all areas of our campus during services and activities; may require specific training.
Student Discipleship Team: Our youth are the future of our church. Here’s your chance to get to know them by assisting with small groups, Wednesday youth nights or youth events.
Welcome & Greeting Team: Welcome all to FOO for services and help guide members and guests to worship, discipleship classes, children and youth activities.
Worship Team: Share your musical talents, tech support skills and sound mixing and management skills to lead in worship. Auditions may be required for musicians and singers.