FOO Students: Due to the weather, we will be cancelling youth Bible study this Wed. March 5. We will meet again next Wed. 12. God bless and stay safe!
OUR STORY begins with the desire for God's people to experience biblical community and fellowship. With this vision in mind, the heartbeat of The Fellowship of Oakbrook is founded on these three values: loving God, loving others, and serving the world.
Join us Sunday at 10 AM for Worship Service & 11 AM for Bible Study.
Ministry Fair
Serving all and all serving · Sunday, March 16, 11:00 am
Serving the Lord by serving others is one of the most fulfilling things we can do as followers of Jesus. God expects us to be His hands and feet. The opportunities to serve in the body of Christ are numerous and it takes us all to fulfill them. On Sunday, March 16, immediately following worship service we will host a Fellowship of Oakbrook Ministry Fair to explore and sign up to serve in various ministries.
The Fellowship has multiple small group ministries to offer support for every step of the Christian life including kids, students, and adults of all ages.
The Fellowship works to support the needs of our community including Blessing Box, Backpack Buddies, and Operation Christmas Child.
Loving God - Scriptural
We believe in a God that is in love with his creation and desires to be known by those who He calls His children. With this being said, we believe that the Bible is God's self revelation to man and thus should be the foundation of our teachings and what connects us with each other.
Loving Others - Communal
We believe that the Church is God's plan to reach the world with the gospel and thus should be a vital aspect in the life of the Christian. It is for this reason that we have the joy of being in fellowship with each other as we reflect the perfect communion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Serving the World - Missional
We believe that all Christians have been called by God to "go therefore and make disciples." We understand that it is not nearly enough to just proclaim the Gospel of Jesus but we must live in such a way that displays the love of God to the world. Therefore our hearts are to be compassionate to those who mourn, generous to those in need, and open to those who are seeking to know more about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Give to the Fellowship.
Giving is a part of our worship to God. It has been said that you can tell nearly everything about a person by the way they spend their money. Whether you are tithing in obedience to Malachi 3:10 or contributing over and above your tithe as an act of sacrificial generosity, your money will help us minister God’s hope and healing to our community and beyond. We give in order to be blessed, not for fear of anything negative in our lives. We give out of gratitude and love! You can give your gift safely and securely online - this is one of the easiest ways to give to our church. Thank you.